About Our Community
We are a diverse community of people from all backgrounds and walks of life. We are Baby Boomers, Gen Z-ers, and everything in-between. We are Queer and straight, BIPOC and White, immigrants and citizens. Some of us identify as Episcopalians, and some of us do not claim a religious label at all. We are far from perfect. Above all else, we are people on a journey, striving to be molded into love-spreading difference-makers in the city of Oakland, and in the world. In the words of the Cuban-born theologian, Justo L. Gonzalez:
We believe in the Reign of God– the day of the Great Fiesta
When all the colors of creation will form a harmonious rainbow,
When all peoples will join in joyful banquet,
When all tongues of the universe will sing the same song.
And because we believe, we commit ourselves:
To believe for those who do not believe,
To love for those who do not love,
To dream for those who do not dream,
Until the day when hope becomes reality.